“Before this odyssey ever began, there was you, your best friends, and wide-eyed curiosity among you about who would be the first to leap, the first to forget, the first to kiss, the first to tell, the first to fall, the first to get back up, and the first to remember that it all began with a dare: to love in spite of it all.
Is that you, Mergatroid? The Universe”
We are born, expected to live for about 75 years, over missions to allow for other souls to enter this earth so that they may continue on after us. We start by crawling on the floor, slowly learning to stand, how to walk, run, until we go back to slowing down our pace once again.
It is hard to determine each of our purposes in this world. We all know are collective mission, but what are each of our purposes? We weren’t born with manuals that give us clear directions and step by step guides. What is out there for us to do?
Well, it depends on you and your commitment to becoming a better person as you navigate through life. There is no way to know what really works until you confront your fears and go for what you believe is right.
God gave us free will to do whatever we needed to do, to take the initiative and learn how to be good. There is no short-cut with this process, as you will need to learn the hard way to get what you want out of life.
As long as you are ambitious with your thoughts and actions, the rest will follow.
Do not fret over the little details or get deterred from your path because of obstacles. Life is uncertain, so we must all learn to be ready to adapt. Show what you are capable of doing, not to impress others, but to impress yourself. The Universe will listen, that’s a promise!
