“When your dreams or “end results” are stated generally, in broad brush strokes, like wealth and abundance, friends and laughter, health and harmony, then please, by all means, attach yourself to them. Attach, attach, attach. There is no limit to what you can have and no reason to expect anything less.
But when your end results are specific, like the ultimate car, a hot date, or a home in the country, do not attach, do not attach, do not attach.
Material details and specifics are always “how” to get to a grander picture of your life and are never important in and of themselves. They’re “cursed hows” disguised as end results. Steps disguised as destinations. By all means, think of them, put them in your scrapbook or on your vision board to remind yourself of the kind of possessions and adventures that are your birthright. But do not give them any importance, through attachment, greater than what you are truly after: a fuller, richer life with all cups running over, the details of which will take care of themselves when this is your end result.
Bok choi, baby – The Universe”
By focusing your mind on specific objects you want, you limit your mind to only chasing down those particular objects. Take the example of money, make a number in your head about how much you want to make. Then ask what will that money give you in life? Will you use it to be able to expand the paths of opportunities you wish to travel down? Or do you want it for the sake of having the physical object of money? Something to accumulate in your bank account with no intention of ever having it serve a purpose? What value does seeking that money provide you with if you never intend to use it towards something?
Running after money is like running after your shadow. It’s a race to something that cannot be captured. And yes, while money is a tangible object, it’s impossible to obtain all the money in the world. The more you think about money, the more you chase after it, wanting more and more just for the sake of having it and not for any real purpose the more it becomes as trying to catch a shadow.
Value your job, life, and hobbies that bring you joy over money. If it comes, great! But if it doesn’t, at least you’ll still have enjoyed the journey. You did what you love doing, not because of the potential income, but because you had fun. Not many can do the same, as life forces them to do things they hate so that they can pay bills and provide for their families. You have a mission, and it is important
