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This book introduces the concept of a vortex with strong magnetic fields and its association with black holes, which can be intimidating. The author explains why they chose a scary book title, highlighting that the idea of a vortex with a strong gravitational pull is negative, similar to black holes devouring everything in their path. They suggest that adding the word "Happiness" before "vortex" changes its connotation to a positive one, emphasizing how happiness is not tied to material success but rather to how we treat others and develop self-awareness, purpose, and mindfulness. The author encourages readers to prioritize their own happiness rather than solely focusing on making others happy.

Dr Dan explores whether happiness attracts happiness, contrasting it with the notion that misery attracts misery. It suggests that being around happy, energetic, and loving individuals draws people in, inspiring them to learn the secrets of happiness, emulate positive behaviors, and experience euphoria. The passage states that the book offers this transformative experience, comparing it to a vortex that readers won't want to leave, a "Black Hole" of mindfulness and individual purpose.
Do not be discouraged by the book's length, emphasizing that happiness is a lifelong journey, not a destination. It concludes by likening the pursuit of happiness to the cosmological theories of the universe's origin, suggesting that happiness is a constant in contrast to these theories. It invites readers to embrace the "Happiness vortex" and embark on this journey together.

The Happiness Vortex

  • (839 pages)

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